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36th Annual Drumbo Lions Charity Auction

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The Lions Club of Drumbo is aiming to complete the splash pad with the money they raise from their fundraiser auction.

DRUMBO - The Lions Club of Drumbo is getting ready for their 36th Annual Fundraising Auction.

The Lions Club holds many events and fundraisers each year to help with their community projects.

Lions Club member Larry Balkwell says the funds raised will be enough to cap off the project.

"This auction will be the final completion of our fundraising. We're in good shape on it, we've got mostly paid for, but the funds this year will complete it."

There will be a wide range of items available at the auction, courtesy of the donations made by local businesses and community members. 

The Lions Club will be taking donations and items can be donated the day before from 1:00pm-6:00pm and on the morning of the auction.

Balkwell says there will be many items on hand.

"We take in household items, farm equipment, lawn and garden items, furniture, appliances and we have a lot of items donated from businesses, new items like gift certificates. We have shop and garage items, sports, recreation, antiques and collectables. It's just quite a variety of stuff."

Proceeds from this auction will help fund the Blandford-Blenheim splash pad. 

The event is happening on April 19th at the Drumbo Agricultural Hall, starting at 10:29am.

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