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$400,000 for Art Gallery

Council votes 6-1 in support of more improvements to the $5 million building

Another 400 thousand dollars is coming to the Woodstock Art Gallery.

During Thursday night's Capital budget deliberations, Council voted 6-1 for the funding to reconfigure the $5 million building with the condition that 50 percent would have to be fundraised within four years otherwise the gallery's operating budget would not increase. 

Curator Sheila Perry says she isn't concerned with the four year fundraising time line.

"I think it is a wonderful project. It is a great community investment. I think both of what Councillor Plant had to say is that we will up front you, try to raise 50% of it and then you know operating is going to be capped until it is and to be honest, I think that's fair."

Councillor Paul Plant, who brought forth the motion, noted staff worked hard to hire a new curator capable of making the gallery a place people want to visit and that council needed to give her a chance and make the most of her expertise. 

Perry says she's hopeful staff will move at a quick pace to get things done.

Perry, who only started with the City in August, says she isn't feeling the pressure.

"Even before I got here, it was made very clear from the CAO, the Mayor that the gallery and the city just want to move forward. Councillor Plant tonight said it very succinctly, we want more people using it and we want to see where we can take it and no I don't feel pressure, I actually feel supported."

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