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9 Crashes in 2 Days

It has been a crazy couple of days on the roads in Woodstock.

WOODSTOCK - It has been a crazy couple of days on the roads in Woodstock.

Police have responded to nine crashes over the past 48 hours. Remarkably nobody was seriously injured during this time. The biggest crash was a 3 vehicle fender bender at the collision site on Clarke and Nellis and one of the drivers was charged with fail to yield on the highway. Another major collision happened at Dundas and Mill between two vehicles causing $30,000 in damage. Police also responded to a fail to remain on Water Street and a driver was charged with following too close after a crash on Mill and Cardigan which caused about $6,000 in damage.

Woodstock Police are reminding the public to slow down and pay attention. Constable Nikki VanLeeuwen says all of these collisions were preventable.


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