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A Dedication For A Deserving Family

The Sawtell family is getting a new park named in their honour.

WOODSTOCK - Woodstock City council has named a new trail in honour of a local family.

Council's latest meeting saw them declare that the new trail just north of Pittock Park Road will be named after the Sawtell family.

Mayor Trevor Birtch says the family has a long history in the community.

"We dedicated a new park in the city, as we've entered into a new agreement with the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority for the Northshore of Pittock. We have a beautiful new land, it has a lot of trees so there will be some nature activity and trails and this is being named after a long-standing family in our community, the Sawtell family. They had several businesses from the foundation of the community in the insurance business and others, and they started the Historical Society for Oxford County before the turn of the 20th century."

Birtch says they'll make an official announcement when the warmer weather arrives.

"We'll keep the community advised in the future when we're ready to have the sign and a dedication ceremony and we look forward to doing that sometime in better weather, perhaps this summer."

Council had two options when it came to naming the park. They could choose from a list of city names or they could ask for the public to submit names to the City Clerk, from which council would choose from and then make a final decision. 

Birtch says the new park is in an agreement with the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority for the Northshore of Pittock.

The park consists of 26 acres located on the north side of Pittock Park Road, west of 13th Line. The park consists of open space, ravine and wooden areas.

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