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A Shortage of School Bus Drivers a Cause for Concern This September

Premier Doug Ford says he asked the Ministry of Transportation to expedite the process to get first time school bus drivers licensed before school starts this fall.

ONTARIO - We could face a shortage of school bus drivers in September in the Province of Ontario. 

The Ontario School Bus Driver Association has said the COVID-19 has caused a backlog at the Ministry of Transportation with many first time drivers still waiting to be licensed. Premier Doug Ford says this is a problem every single year.

"I understand we were in a shortage before COVID and we saw the same thing last year. I did speak with the Ministry and asked them to expedite it and they they said they are going to expedite all of the people that are waiting to go through the Ministry of Transportation and that is exactly what we are doing." 

Ford says he will have an exact number soon. 

"We will have enough school buses, we are putting a billion dollars into the transportation system, more then we have ever put into the transportation in the history of the Province." 

Education Minister Stephen Lecce says they understand their will be more challenges this year in attracting bus drivers with the pandemic.

"Given that bus drivers tend to be older workers and their is some concerns related to their health. We have provided guidance to school boards to ensure the full slate of PPE, not just masks, but face shields are provided to drivers, that their is a mandate, just like their is schools for students to wear masks, assigned seating, which is really critical for contact tracing and management. We are doing everything possible, providing very clear guidance, updated in July that is going to make these experiences on school buses safer for the kids and ultimately for the drivers as well." 

Lecce was also asked today why the Province hasn't mandated a blanket approach to safety regulations on School buses.

"We have increased investment in transportation before COVID-19 hit our Province and we increased funding after because what we are demonstrating is that bussing is critical for families and rural and northern parts of the Province. We understand that for many parents, they need bussing to get their kids to school. We are going to make sure those buses are there, that they are safe, with the access to the talent pool of labour that can do the job." 

You can listen to their remarks regarding school buses below: 

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