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Alzheimer's Society In Oxford County Looking To Inform Residents About Dementia

Oxford County Alzheimer's Society is looking to teach the community about different forms of dementia.

It's Alzheimer's Month and the Oxford County branch of the Alzheimer's Society is trying to spread the word about all kinds of dementia.

Executive Director Shelley Green says you might see more information about Alzheimer's and dementia around Oxford as they focus on awareness, "We'll have placemats out at local restaurants, and tent cards for people to learn about the warning signs. To let them really be aware of what we're doing here in Oxford County and encourage people to reach out to our organization if they are concerned about their own memory or if that someone in their family or a friend is dealing with dementia."

"We have just over 2,000 people in Oxford County who are living with Alzheimer's disease and other dementia and we know that that number will be increasing," Green says. "In Ontario we know that we are facing new cases of dementia all the time. Today's number is 200,000 people and by the year 2020 that number is expected to increase to 250,000."

Green says they offer a variety of programs from before diagnosis until after death and they encourage everyone to reach out to the Alzheimer's Society if they believe they are experiencing memory loss, "We have a very compassionate and lovely and skilled staff who are ready and willing to help people through that process and to talk to them about their concerns and to provide information. So although it's never too late we do certianly encourage people to contact us as soon as they are aware of their challlegnes or concerns so we can journey along with them."

They also have programs for family members, loved ones, and caregivers.

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