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An Ingersoll Committee Looking for Help

If you want to help the Town of Ingersoll become more diverse, you are in luck. The Diversity and Inclusion Committee is looking for more members.

INGERSOLL - Ingersoll's Diversity and Inclusion Committee are looking for more members.

They are asking all community stakeholders, individuals, and groups, to come forward and help with the mission of promoting Ingersoll as diverse, inclusive, and equal.

The committee's current emphasis is on supporting the following CIM commitments:

1. Monitoring Discrimination: monitoring discrimination in the municipality and taking action to address it;

2. Equal Housing Opportunities: challenging discrimination and promoting diversity and equal opportunities in housing; and

3. Cultural Diversity and Inclusion: Promoting the respect, knowledge, and appreciation of cultural diversity and the inclusion of Indigenous and racialized communities in the municipality.

You can join in by taking part in focus groups, contributing to policy development, suggesting best practices, sharing experience and expertise, as well as engaging in community outreach efforts.

To express your interest in joining the Diversity and Inclusion Committee, please complete our self-identification form by visiting ingersoll.ca.

You can also get more information or express your interest directly by contacting: the Town Clerk, Danielle Richard via email, danielle.richard@ingersoll.ca or by phone at 519-485-0120 ext. 6229.

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