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Be Happy Mugs

Front, Woodingford Lodge residents Florence Readhead and Don Engel. Back row, Jane Fletcher, Social Worker, Erik Wesseling, owner of Floral Buds and Design, and Mark Dager, RPN

200 Make Someone Smile Week Mugs will be handed out in Woodstock

WOODSTOCK - Residents at Woodingford Lodge in Woodstock are the recipients of Be Happy Mugs as part of Make Someone Smile Week. 

It's a program run by the floral industry where they volunteer their time to create and deliver floral bouquets to those most in need of a smile. 

Owner of Floral Buds and Design in Woodstock, Erick Wesseling says this is the ninth year he has participated. 

"Everybody is very excited and happy to see us and that's why I'm doing it. Yesterday I did Meals on Wheels with VON and also the Adult Day Care with the VON so I thought that was very interesting and good to see. You stand still by the elderly people who don't really see too many family members."

In total, Wesseling will donate 200 of these mugs in the community this week.

"These mugs are basically arranged with flowers in yellow and white. It's basically a smile mug which is basically yellow and has a smiley face on it. Hopefully it brightens somebody's day and also puts a smile on their face" said Wesseling.

"Not all of the residents -- we are selecting some of the ones that would benefit more so maybe just to lift their spirits a little bit more, said Co-ordinator of Resident Programs at Woodingford Lodge, Joan Simpson.

50 mugs were handed out at Woodingford Thursday. 

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