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Bottle Drive for 3 Year Old Hunter Weston

You can drop off your empties at 18 Rossiter Road and 3 Glenwood Road in the Town of Ingersoll to help 3 year old Hunter Weston and his family. Hunter was recently diagnosed with cancer.

INGERSOLL - A bottle drive is happening across South Western Ontario for 3 year old Hunter Weston who was recently diagnosed with cancer.

Weston and his family live in the Town of Ingersoll. Bottle drives have been happening all across the region. Organizer of the bottle drive Mike Rombouts says he wanted to help out the family anyway he could.

"I work with Hunter's grandfather and have known him since high school. We experienced this with our daughter, our daughter is 25 years old, but when she was 3 years old, went through cancer and had various treatments, various operations and this is our way to give back and have our community do the same." 

Rombouts daughter is actually an oncology nurse at the paediatric floor at Sick Kids in London and and has actually cared for Hunter a few times now. The bottle drive started on Friday and Rombouts says the response has been amazing.

"The response has been unbelievable, through the three main locations that we had, we have 20,000 bottles and cans, that is our guess right now and we have had over $3,100 in donations, so this is surpassing our goal." 

Hunter did have an operation last week and has finished his first round of chemo. He is in the hospital recovering and will need to do another operation in the coming months. They are hoping he can return home soon. 

You can drop off your bottles in the Town of Ingersoll at 18 Rossitter Road as well as 3 Glenwood Road, they also have a trailer set up at the Canadian Tire parking lot. They are also accepting donations in Woodstock at 95 Sioux crescent. Residents in Norwich can drop off their empties to 14 Cook street. You can also make a donation through e-transfers at mrombouts1010@rogers.com and 100 percent of the proceeds from the bottle drive and the e-transfers will go to Hunter and his mother. 

The fundraiser was started by the Delaware Lions Club and the Day to Remember Golf Tournament. 

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