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Brews and Bros for Big Brothers Big Sisters

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Woodstock and District are hoping to attract more male mentors with their upcoming Brews and Bros recruitment night.

WOODSTOCK - Beer, vintage video games, and a wing competition - Big Brothers Big Sisters is setting the scene for a major recruitment night.

The Upper Thames Brewing Company is proud to host the first ever 'Brews and Bros' for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Woodstock and District.

In light of an ever growing list of young men waiting for mentors, Big Brothers Big Sisters Interim Director Kristen Ralph hopes a night of good brews and buds can sway more men to offer up some of their time.

"So we're going to have vintage video games, a wing competition, your first pint will be free, it's only $40, and it's going to be a fantastic event. And there's only a 100 tickets available."

Although the night was designed with men in mind, Ralph says women are more than welcome to take part on August 11th.

More information can be found on the event's Facebook page.

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