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Bridges to Better Business

Several business owners were honoured at the Bridges to Better Business Event.

INGERSOLL - It was a packed house at the Bridges to Better Business event hosted by the Woodstock and Area Small Business Enterprise Centre. 

Local business owners had a chance to hear from keynote speaker Michael Eales who talked about thriving in the Age of Disruption. Eales explains the main thing he hopes people took away from his presentation. 

"The mindset shift that's required to navigate this uncertainty because dealing with uncertainty really a require a mental model and a way of looking at the world that is comfortable in being uncomfortable that's something that not a lot of us are good at."

They also handed out some awards to local business owners including the Entrepreneurial Spirit Award to Lee Harlan from Highland Homecraft, Inspirational Entrepreneur Award to Aylssa Hazeleger from Natural Motion and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award to Heather Vrugteveen from Kreamy Kakes. 

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