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Budget Meeting Cancelled

The Oxford County council budget meeting for this Tuesday has been cancelled because they do not have enough councillors available to make the meeting valid.

WOODSTOCK - The Oxford County council budget meeting for this Tuesday has been cancelled due to a lack of quorum. 

Quorum means the minimum number of members of an assembly or society that must be present at any of its meetings to make the proceedings of that meeting valid. All of the presentations and briefings scheduled for December 5th will be moved to the December 13th meeting. 

Council will continue to discuss the proposed budget of almost $230 million on the 13th and a draft levy increase of 3.4 percent.

Warden David Mayberry says the proposed levy shouldn't scare county residents.

"The expenditures are up little over 3 percent, the growth in the county is also up that much so the average homeowner wouldn't see an increase because of the increase in taxes, the growth would take care of it so that's probably good news."

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