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Candidate Announced For Green Party

The Green Party enters the race to represent Oxford County

Another hat has been tossed into the race to be the Member of Parliament for Oxford County. 

Mike Farlow has announced he will be running for the Green Party. Farlow says he decided to run because he is frustrated with the direction our country is heading in and he wanted to do something about it. 

"Some of the policies towards our veterans are in the wrong direction. I think what's happening with weakening the concern over the environment with, a lot of the free trade agreements I think are harming jobs in Canada as well." 

Farlow says he likes the Green Party because they don't force voting along party lines and each candidate is allowed to vote in the best interest of their riding. 

"The Green Party has a great policy where they have no WHIP votes and you are able to vote based on what you think is best for constituents and that out of all the parties has the most appeal. I'm also concerned about the environment and I think a lot of the party leader Elizabeth May." 

He has concerns about decisions being imposed on the municipality from the government and wants to make changes to the way veterans are treated in our country. Farlow also talks about a few issues involving the environment locally that are of a grave concern. 

"Well the environment is always on the front of my mind and I know it is a provincial proposal to put a dump right next to Ingersoll and in the water table. My concern is there is a Federal responsibility to protect the environment as well, some of the decisions have been to weaken that like removing the Thames from its heritage status."

Farlow will be running against incumbent MP Dave MacKenzie and the local NDP candidate Zoe Kunschner. The Oxford Liberal Association has yet to name a candidate for this election.

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