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CASS Battles Medway for Championship

The CASS Knights will battle the Medway Cowboys for the Tier 2 Championship title this afternoon.

WOODSTOCK - Another big game for College Ave Secondary School.

The Senior Football team will be in London this afternoon to battle for the Tier 2 Championship. Offensive Coordinator, Jaimen Allison says the team is preparing for the Medway Cowboys.

"They are big, they are strong. These are kids that have grown up playing competitive sports, in North London. They pull from Masonville, from Arva, very affluent areas. So, we are anticipating a very tough match-up."

Allison explains how their next game came to be.

"Medway dropped down with Parkside, who we ended up facing off against in the semi-final. It is a whole other level. These guys would have played the big boys like London South, Laurier, and CCH."

The Knights and Cowboys are scheduled to kickoff at 2:15 p.m. with the game being held in London at City Wide Field.

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