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Celebrate Christmas Early in Plattsville

Check out the Open The Doors To Christmas exhibit at the former Chesterfield United Church.

PLATTSVILLE - It's Christmas in July for Plattsville.

The Plattsville and District Heritage Society is hosting "Open The Doors To Christmas".

Committee Member Denis Tew says the exhibit celebrates Christmas through the ages.

"We have a display of over 100 Christmas trees, probably more if you count all the little ones. It's just an amazing display. We have 35 nativity sets set up, we have an angel display. We have old Ornaments on trees. It's just amazing."

She says that the event will be visited by a special guest.

"We also have a Santa workshop and of course Santa Ron will be there on five different Saturdays. You can check us out on facebook. He will be there from 11 till 3."

You can head to the former Chesterfield United Church on Saturdays from 10am to 4pm to check it out.

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