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Charges Dropped Against Man Accused of Stealing Progress Flags in Norwich

Photo Credit: Norwich BIA Facebook page, @NorwichBIA

Multiple media sources are reporting that the charges against Jacob Dey were dropped in December, citing court documents.

NORWICH - Charges laid in relation to the stolen Progress Flags in Norwich have been dropped.

Jacob Dey of Tillsonburg was charged with mischief and theft under $5,000 last year after someone removed the flags that the local BIA put up for Pride Month.

Multiple media sources are now reporting that the crown has dropped the charges against the 48-year-old, after he completed a direct accountability program, citing court documents. This program is for people with no prior record and they have to complete a community-based requirement in exchange for a clean criminal record. This could be the completion of community service hours, paying restitution, or a written letter of apology.

It's unclear what Dey chose to do, but President of Oxford County Pride Tami Murray says he needs to apologize to the 2SLGBTQA+ community.

"I believe he actually owes an apology to the 2SLGBTQA+ community in Oxford County, especially given the presentation at Norwich Township Council last year."

Dey presented a delegation to Township council in response to the Progress Flags being on display last summer, which included offensive comments toward the 2SLGBTQA+ community. You can read more about that online here.

Murray was shocked when she found out about the charges against Dey being dropped, but she says Oxford County Pride will rise above it.

"I think what this does do is energize us to continue to advocate, educate and promote positivity in terms of the 2SLGBTQA+ community in Oxford County. The one thing it does tell me is what we are doing is working so we are going to continue doing the work that we do and make sure people are safe in this community."

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