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City of Woodstock Raises the Terry Fox Flag

The annual Terry Fox run in Woodstock is happening this Sunday September 19th.

WOODSTOCK - The 41st annual Woodstock Terry Fox Run is coming up this weekend.

The City of Woodstock is celebrating by raising the Terry Fox flag at City Hall. It will be a virtual run once again this year for the event happening on Sunday Septebmer 19th. 

Chair John Versaevel explains how a virtual run is different from the traditional in-person run.

"A virtual run is basically where the participant just goes out on the day of the run and they can either run, walk, bike with family, a friend or a small self contained group and mark the day that way."

This means there will be no in-person event at College Avenue Secondary School. Participants will get to choose where they log their run time, whether it be in their neighbourhood or a nearby trail.

The virtual run was a big success in 2020, raising $26,970 for the Terry Fox Foundation.

Woodstock has hosted a Terry Fox fundraiser every year since 1980 and the local event has raised over $500,000 since then. Still plenty of time to sign up, which you can do online here. 

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