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CMHA Launches New Program

Mental Health and the Quest for Employment is a new program being offered by CMHA Oxford.

WOODSTOCK - CMHA Oxford has a new program designed to help people suffering from mental health issues get back into the workforce. 

Peer Support Leader Christine Smith says that the Mental Health and the Quest for Employment workshop is a three week program starting on the last Saturday in February from 10 am to noon at the CMHA office in Woodstock. 

"It will be three weeks and we have changed the dates, it will be the last Saturday in February and the first two Saturday's in March. So that will be Saturday February 23rd and March 2nd and March 12th from 10 am to noon and they need to register first." 

Smith says this is a self exploration workshop. 

"Overall it is just kind of to help people that are struggling and want to work but don't know if they can handle it, because of their mental illness." 

The workshop is free to attend, however you do need to register first. You can do so by calling Christine Smith at 519-539-8055 ext 262. 

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