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Coldest Night of the Year Fundraiser in Woodstock Moving Virtual

The Friendly City is living up to it's moniker raising over $27,000 and counting for the virtual Coldest Night of the Year walk on February 20th.

WOODSTOCK - The first ever Coldest Night of the Year walk in Woodstock is moving to a virtual event.

They are still collecting donations and everyone will be encouraged to get outside and walk on February 20th. Due to the current lock down and stay at home order, here will be no public event on Feb 20th for everyone to gather at. Walkers instead will be encouraged to brave the cold on their own.

Already 143 people have signed up, and they have nearly reached their $30,000 goal. The response from the community has been remarkable with several notable groups attending, including the Woodstock Police Service who have entered a team. 

Other service groups participating include  United Way, Circles Oxford, Children’s Aid, Oxford Community Health Centre, Oxford EarlyON, Indwell, and the Inn of Oxford. 

When organizer Scott McKague started this event, he set a goal of $20,000. Well they have already exceeded that, and so he had to set a new goal of $30,000. 

The Friendly City is actually breaking records for how many people we have gotten to sign up for this event, based on our size. 

Let's not stop here, lets see how big we can get this thing. You can sign up and register as a solo walker or a team online at https://cnoy.org/location/woodstock.  

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