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Collecting For The Salvation Army In Innerkip

If you live in the Village of Innerkip, please consider leaving out donations on Saturday for The Salvation Army. The Innerkip and District Lions Club will be collecting food donations.

INNERKIP - The Innerkip and District Lions Club will be collecting food donations on Saturday for the Salvation Army.

Secretary Tracey Vanderheide says they are asking residents to leave your donations at the end of the driveway and they will come around and pick them up.

"We will be taking the parade train and driving it through a pre-recorded route, through the Village of Innerkip and we are asking members of Innerkip to package up and leave items at the end of their driveway for us to come and pickup.

Vanderheide says they are hoping to fill the entire flat bed of the train.

"Please package up food, diapers are needed, pasta sauce, anything you can think of that would help, any non perishable item." 

They will be driving the Lions parade train through town starting at 1:30 pm and picking up the items from the curb. All of the items will be donated to the Salvation Army, who will be in the Village on Saturday and they will immediately take the items on their truck. 

Residents in the Village are being thanked in advance for leaving the items out on the curb. 

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