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Committee Refines Proposal for Off-Leash Park

The Ingersoll Off Leash Dog Park Committee is getting ready to present a proposal for an off-leash area at John Lawson Park.

INGERSOLL - The Ingersoll Off Leash Dog Park Committee met up to prepare a proposal they will be bringing to town council.

Committee co-chair Daryl Countryman tells Heart FM what the proposal will consist of.

"We've put together a proposal that will mitigate costs for installing the fence, clearing the area and keeping it as natural as possible."

The off leash park, which would be located by Lawson Trail, would cost a total of $10,000. Town council has already approved $5,000 they will take out of reserves, but the committee will have to fundraise other $5,000 over the next couple of months.

Countryman tells us some of the fundraising ideas the committee has in mind.

"We have a couple tentative ideas with a couple barbeques, possibly a breakfast at one of the town events, and corporate sponsors with some signage."

The committee would like to have the off leash park running as soon as possible, but as of right now it looks like the park won't open until October if it does.

Countryman believes once it is up and running, the town would really benefit from the park.

"It's a good place for people to walk their dogs and it's a good social gathering for dog owners to all come in one place."

The committee will be presenting their proposal to council on April 11th.

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