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Several Construction Sites to Close Down in Ontario

Premier Ford announced today that the Province of Ontario is shutting down several Construction sites, effective Saturday April 4th at 11:59 pm. The story includes an updated list of essential businesses.

ONTARIO - The Province of Ontario is shutting down Construction sites.

Premier Doug Ford says they are adding construction to the list of non essential workplaces. He did say there would be a few exceptions.

"On Saturday April 4th, at 11:59 pm, we will be directing additional workplaces to close. All industrial construction, accept, critical industrial projects will stop. Only necessary infrastructure projects like hospitals and transportation will continue. No new residential construction will start. Those few sites that will remain open, will be placed under the highest level of scrutiny possibly."

Ford did not announce any additional industries that will be forced to shut down at this time. Earlier today we were told that anywhere between 3,000 to 15,000 people will die from the Coronavirus in Ontario and those numbers would have sky rocketed, if not for the actions already taken. Premier Ford is pleading with residents to stay home.

"We all have to ask ourselves, what is the cost of a life? Is a life worth a picnic in the park? Is a life worth having a few cold ones with your buddies in a basement? The answer is no, none of those things is worth as much as a life. So to everyone in Ontario, we need to listen, we need to listen to what the data tells us." 

Here is an updated list on what businesses and industries are considered essential.

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