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Contest Opens For Junior Fire Chief

The Woodstock Fire Department is getting ready to welcome a new Jr Fire Chief and Jr Deputy Fire Chief

WOODSTOCK - Kids in Woodstock have a chance to become the Junior Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief for the day. 

The fire department is now accepting applications for their annual fire safety poster contests. Children attending school in JK to grade 3 can enter in the colouring contest and the older kids in grades 4 to 8 are asked to create their own poster. Public Information Coordinator Lisa Woods tells Heart FM about one of the advantages to being the Junior Fire Chief and Deputy Chief for the day. 

"First thing in the morning we are going to pick them up in the fire truck and give them a ride to school, so that is pretty fun. The classes usually come out and wave at them and it is usually the highlight of the day getting picked up by the fire truck. They also get to have a lunch of their choice at the fire station with the real fire chief and deputy chief." 

Woods explains the theme for the posters this year. 

"The theme this year is Don't Wait Check the Date. Which has to do with your smoke alarms and making sure they are 10 years and younger because all smoke alarms have to replaced every 10 years no matter if they are battery operated or hard wired." 

The posters can be submitted at the Fire Station before Friday September 23rd at 4:30 p.m. You can find more information and the contest rules online here. 

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