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Cool Runnings 2016

Cool Runnings is an annual race in Roth Park that has been raising money for the Canadian Cancer Society over the years.

WOODSTOCK - Feel the Rhythm Feel the Ride, Look Out Oxford it's Cool Runnings Time.

The annual race around Roth Park for the Canadian Cancer Society is coming up on Saturday October 22nd. Manager of the local cancer society Janice Cunningham tells Heart FM they still have time for runners to sign up.

"So there are three different races, the kids short race is for the youngsters and then we have a 5k and a 10k."

Cunningham says they also need some volunteers to help during the day.

"We have a great need right now for volunteers, we like to have root marshals all throughout the trail, people that are there that cheer the runners on that encourage them to give it their best shot, so we are looking for people to do that, you can do it in pairs if you like and it is a great chance for high school students who need their volunteer hours."

You can sign up for the race online here and you can volunteer by calling 519-537-5592.

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