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Council Prepares Application For Infrastructure Funding

Woodstock City council will apply under the new Canadian Infrastructure Program, submitting three different applications.

WOODSTOCK - Woodstock City council is submitting three applications under the new Canadian Infrastructure Program. 

This is a new project introduced by the federal government, combining federal, provincial and municipal funding for infrastructure needs.

Mayor Trevor Birtch says they'll be applying under the new program, and depending on the status of their applications, it would be an affordable investment.

"The federal government has introduced a new program, it combines provincial funding as well as municipal funding for infrastructure needs. The report that council received tonight as information is in regards to applications that we will be making under that program in order to look at expanding our transit services within the city. The estimated costs for some of these services could be in the millions of dollars, but if we are successful in our application it would keep the city's investment at a more sizeable cost."

This is a ten year bilateral infrastructure program that will invest up to $30 billion dollars. The three different applications council is putting in will cost just over $3,000,000.

Mayor Birtch says they are applying for a couple of projects, which are expected to be completed by 2028.

"These projects do have to be completed over the next nine year period. So some of what we're looking at is expanding routes for additional industrial service, as well as we can look at having  a new wash bay for the vehicles which would help prolong the capital life of each bus by keeping it cleaner. And it would also save us fuel costs, especially in the winter months by keeping the bus clean from ice and snow that adds weight while it drives around the city."

According to the report, it is unclear when the city will hear back on the status of their applications, but if they're approved council will need to pass a by-law to accept the funding and go into an agreement with the Provincial and Federal governments to complete the project.

If their applications are successful, Mayor Birtch says it will allow them to make the improvements to the city's infrastructure sooner.

"If we are successful in this funding application, it'll help speed up council's plans to make these improvements within the community. These have been things identified within our long-term capital plan and that would help us get some of these improvements made sooner."

The applications are due on May 28th.

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