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County Council Changes Date for Inaugural Meeting

The inaugural meeting of Oxford County Council will now be taking place on the fourth Wednesday of November during the municipal election year.

OXFORD COUNTY - Oxford County Council has voted to change the date of the inaugural meeting of council after the municipal election this fall.

Council voted to change its procedural by-law to establish the fourth Wednesday of November at 2:00 p.m. as the inaugural meeting for the new Council for each municipal election year. 

Warden Larry Martin explains why they had to make this change. 

"That was due to the fact of the changes to the length of term for the municipalities. It is not that much different, it used to be the first week of December and now it is the fourth week of November." 

Martin says the first meeting is about swearing in new members. 

"They will swear in all the new councillors, they will elect a new Warden and a new Deputy Warden as well." 

After the inaugural meeting, County Council will then have it's first official meeting of the new council that night at 7:00 p.m. 

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