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County Council Defers Comiskey's Motion On Proposed Landfill

Ingersoll Mayor Ted Comiskey gave a passionate speech to County Council on why they shouldn't support the landfill proposal for the quarry in Beachville. The location of the landfill site was the biggest concern for Comiskey; "Landfills don't need to be right on the border of a town, boxing it in or limiting its growth. And so that's where the situation is, the no concern for that. I don't think that a conscious company should do that to a community." Zorra Mayor, Margaret Lupton didn't like the motion from the beginning. Lupton thought it was brought up prematurely and was concerned that it didn't include Zorra, "my concern is that we have legal opinion that if we go with a motion such as that and approve it, that we will jeopardize the county's position in participating in whatever comes past this." The motion has been deferred until the next County Council meeting on April 11th.

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