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County Councillors to Serve on CAO Recruitment Committee

The 10 members of Oxford County Council will serve on the recruitment committee for the new Chief Administrative Officer.

OXFORD COUNTY - Oxford County is getting the ball rolling on the recruitment process for a new Chief Administrative Officer.

Michael Duben will officially resign as of September 8th in order to take on a new job as the CAO for Chatham-Kent. Warden Larry Martin says he will be missed.

"We'll miss him, Michael has been a very definite asset to Oxford County and we will miss him. I know one point in time I was interviewed and they said can you identify one major thing you've done over this term? My response was we hired our present CAO."

Martin says the recruitment committee for the new CAO will include the 10 members of County Council, but their terms of reference will end at the end of the current municipal term.

He says the committee will decide their next steps in July. 

"We have to wait and see what the committee decides, whenever they want to hire from within or come out with an executive consultant."

An interim CAO has yet to be announced. 

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