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Daily Case Numbers are Back Over 600 Today in Ontario

Ontario is reporting 656 new cases this morning and 504 cases are in people who are not fully vaccinated or have an unknown vaccination status and 152 are fully vaccinated.

ONTARIO - The Province of Ontario has confirmed 656 new cases of COVID-19 this morning, bringing the total number of cases in the Province to 566,206. 504 cases are in individuals who are not fully vaccinated or have an unknown vaccination status and 152 are in fully vaccinated individuals.

Due to a data clean-up, 6 of the 13 deaths being reported today occurred more than 2 months ago, meaning the total number of deaths remains at 9,516. Another 650 cases have been labelled resolved, bringing the total number of resolved cases to 550,829. 

The province completed 27,572 tests yesterday. We currently have 339 COVID-19 patients in the hospital with 135 people in the ICU.

You can find a complete break down of the Provincial numbers online here. 

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