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Dog Bites Child at Chuck Armstrong Park

Oxford Public Health is looking for the owner of a dog who bit a child at Chuck Armstrong Park in Woodstock today.

WOODSTOCK - Oxford Public Health is looking for the public's help after a dog bit a child at the Chuck Armstrong Park in Woodstock today.

Health officials say the older brown and black Rottweiler was trying to steal the child's bagel when the bite happened. The dog was called "Elsa" and was wearing a Darth Vader dog collar. It's believed the dog and the owner are from out of town. The owner can be described as a woman with blonde hair and sunglasses in her mid to late 30's. Health Officials need to find the dog to make sure it is caught up on all of it's vaccinations so the child won't have to get a rabies shot.

Public Health is asking the dog owner, or anyone else with information, to please contact public health inspector Ainsley Pemberton at 519-539-9800, extension 3456, or call 519-533-0131 after hours. Public Health requires proof of vaccination to avoid a series of rabies shots for the child who was bit.

Remember, rabies is a fatal disease. All dog bites should be reported to Public Health to confirm animal vacations are up to date. If you are bitten or scratched by an animal, wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water, seek medical attention and call Public Health at 519-539-9800, ext. 3410 or 1-800-755-0394.


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