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Donations Needed For Christmas Place

Families in Oxford County can start donating today.

OXFORD COUNTY - If you have any items you're looking to give away, the Christmas Place is accepting donations.

Director of the Christmas Place for Operation Sharing, Kathy Gardiner says they're looking to collect a variety of items for the next couple of weeks, including clothes and toys.

"We're looking for new toys, clothes, pajamas, socks, underwear, gifts for babies to teens, mom's, dad's and grandparents."

The Christmas Place offers clothes and toys to families in need, giving them an opportunity to shop for Christmas gifts. The store has been providing for families for the past 35 years. 

She says families won't have to spend much while shopping for their loved ones.

"We offer new toys, clothes for drastically reduced prices. So, at the most, each parent will spend $4 per child but leave with $40 to $60 worth of toys."

Gardiner adds shopping invitations can picked up at all of the churches in Oxford County, and you can also drop off donations to the Children's Aid Society, College Ave United Church or Operation Sharing in Woodstock. 

The Christmas Place is accepting donations from November 19th to December 8th, and the store will be open from 9:00am to 8:00pm from December 4-6th. 

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