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Door to Door Delivery Ends on August 17th

Whether you like them or not community mail boxes are here to stay and a number of them have already popped up across Oxford County

Whether you like them or not community mail boxes are here to stay and a number of them have already popped up across Oxford County.

Canada Post says they pretty much have all of the community mail boxes installed and keys have been sent in the mail. The new service will officially begin on August 17th. Spokesperson for Canada Post Jon Hamilton says they do have options for people who have mobility issues.

"Right from the beginning when we started this process late last year, we would of through several mailings provided a phone number for anyone who feels like they might be facing challenges to call, and what that does is put them in touch with a dedicated team that will work with them to figure out their individual circumstances and figure out what we can do to make sure nobody gets left behind when we make these changes. As for the options it depends on the individual's circumstances, it could be some extra keys to give to a caregiver or loved one, it could be a box at a height that allows them to not bend over or reach and number of other options including delivering the mail right to there door once a week."

For a great deal of the population community mail boxes were the norm anyway's. However many were upset when Canada Post announced last year that they would be eliminating door to door delivery for financial reasons. Hamilton says if you haven't already gotten your new key in the mail to contact Canada Post immediately.

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