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Emergency Order Offering Cheap Hydro Rates Expires Today

If you were planning on doing laundry or running the dishwasher today, you might want to hold off until 7:00 pm as the 24-7 off peak rate is officially over.

ONTARIO - Hydro Rates go back to normal today.

The emergency order providing Ontario residents with fixed off-peak hydro rates expired today. The Province did not extend it. The off peak rate was first offered on January 1st in response to the Province wide lockdown. The Government extended the off peak rates for a couple of weeks earlier this month. They are not going to extend it a 3rd time.

The off peak rate charged hydro customers 8.5 cents per kilowatt-hour, 24-7, instead of regular time of use rates or fixed tiered rates. We will go back to the time of use rates today, so if you were planning on doing laundry this week, you might want to wait until after 7:00 pm. 

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