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Examining The Roads In Blandford Blenheim

A comprehensive road study in Blandford Blenheim will look at all 333 kilometres of roads in the Township. Council has directed Stratford's RJ Burnside to do the study and work has already started.

BLANDFORD BLENHEIM - The Township of Blandford Blenheim is going to do a comprehensive road study. 

Stratford's RJ Burnside has already started the process of examining all 333 kilometres of roads in the Township. 

Director of Public Works Jim Borton explains the purpose of this study. 

"This is to ensure that the Township is on the right track with the trends of today and to make sure that we are spending taxpayers money on the roads that need to have the money spent on." 

Borton says he will be working with RJ Burnside to do an extensive evaluation of all of the Township roads.

"Make sure that the base is good, if we are seeing bad flooding or spring breakup, the gravel contents and things like that. We will also look at traffic volumes, the amount of houses on the roads, they will look at our 10 year plan that we have identified as to what roads will be hard surfaced in the coming years and just basically evaluate all that and make sure that we believe is the correct roads to be done are, and what we are doing will ensure that the residents of the Township of Blandford Blenheim are getting the best money for the roads that we are doing." 

The study will cost just under $40,000 and council should receive a report later this year. 

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