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Father and Daughter Duo Spread Awareness About Rare Disease

A father and daughter team are off to Spain for a special medical conference, and they will be taking word of the exceptional care at the Woodstock Hospital with them.

A father and daughter team from Woodstock are not letting a rare blood disease slow them down as they head off to Spain for a medical conference.

Ken Howlett and his daughter Amanda Howlett are living with a rare blood disease causing painful and debilitating swelling.

Ken speaks about some of the challenges he faces living with Hereditary Angioedema.

"When an episode breaks out I'm subject to swelling - severe swelling - and it can be in any area of the body. Usually it's the extremities, sometimes it's in the abdomen. For some people the most serious ones would be laryngeal lower throat swelling."

During their time at the Hereditary Angioedema International Conference in Madrid, Ken plans to take the message of the good work being done here in Woodstock with him.

"The hospital here in Woodstock has a very good emergency treatment plan in the ER and we're trying to expand that throughout the country and beyond because it works!"

Part of the conference includes a walk to celebrate all that they can accomplish and Amanda says it is no small thing.

"We're going to do part of the communal walk and we're going to go as a patient group so that's kind of a big deal for a lot of people going just because of the illness it's a lot for people to do medically speaking - it's a pretty long walk."

Other people from the Woodstock area will also be joining the father and daughter duo on their way to Spain.

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