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Five More People Have Recovered From COVID-19 in Oxford County

Another five people from Oxford County have fully recovered from COVID-19. We currently only have 3 active cases of COVID-19 in Oxford.

OXFORD/ST.THOMAS/ELGIN - No new cases of COVID-19 today according to Southwestern Public Health and another 5 people have made a full recovery. 

All of the recoveries are in Oxford County, which means we only have 3 active cases of COVID-19 in Oxford right now. They currently have 4 active cases of COVID-19 in Elgin County and St. Thomas. 

You can get a break down of the cases by Township in Oxford County below:

- 2 cases in Woodstock
- 1 case in South West Oxford Township 

To date, the Health Unit has tested 3,259 people for COVID-19. We have 63 cumulative confirmed cases, 52 cases have been resolved, 4 people have died from the virus and we currently have 7 active cases. We have also had two institutional outbreaks since the pandemic was declared, both in Elgin County and both outbreaks have been resolved. 

You can find a complete rundown of the numbers online here. 

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