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Ford Offers Full Support to Law Enforcement in Ottawa Today

"I have every confidence in our law enforcement to bring an end to this and they have my full support." 

Premier Doug Ford addressed the situation unfolding in Ottawa right now, saying the police have his full support.

Dozens of people have been arrested today and at least 4 tucks have been towed from Downtown Ottawa. One of the most controversial figures in the protests, Pat King was arrested this afternoon. 

Ford addressed the situation during a press conference in Whitby today where he announced the remove of tolls on Highways 412 and 418. He says police have every tool they need and we are starting to see progress.  

"The people occupying Ottawa have been given plenty of time to leave peacefully, they know the consequences for not doing so and I encourage everyone to leave immediately."

Ford says he is confident police will end this situation.

"I have every confidence in our law enforcement to bring an end to this and they have my full support." 

Ford says they sent resources to Ottawa immediately. 

"The Ottawa police were in charge, the Mayor was in chare, we did send resources immediately, absolutely immediately. You see the difference of what happened in Toronto, people came and they protested and they left and I want to congratulate Mayor Tory and the Police Chief in Toronto on the incredible job they did, now Ottawa is a little more challenging." 

Ottawa Police are actively giving out messages on twitter today. 


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