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Former OSSTF President Joining the NDP

The former president of the Ontario School Teachers Federation, Harvey Bischof announced his intentions today to run for the NDP in the next electing for the Brantford-Brant riding.

BRANTFORD - The former president of the Ontario School Teachers Federation is entering politics. 

Harvey Bischof made the announcement to run for Brantford Brant with NDP leader Andrea Horwath this morning at a press conference at the North Park Collegiate and Vocational School in Brantford.

Horwath says they're thrilled to have Bischof join the NDP team. 

"I’m thrilled that Harvey is joining our team to fight for the province our kids, and all Ontarians, deserve. He’s a caring, knowledgeable and experienced advocate for public education, good jobs, and the services people count on — and I know he’ll make a big difference for the people of Brantford-Brant. We absolutely can have one of the best education systems in the world. Our kids can have smaller class sizes, and more support from caring adults. We can better support their mental health and well-being. And we can give every child more opportunities to find their greatest strengths and joys. Harvey is definitely a part of our mission to put Education on the front-burner."

Bischof is also a high school teacher and was the OSSTF President from 2017 to 2021. His time as President included strike action in 2019, when teachers would hold one day walk outs across the Province. Bischoff says he is proud to join Andrea Horwath’s incredible team. 

"I can't imagine how much more Doug Ford would take away from students and families if he gets another chance. But Steven Del Duca isn't the answer. He had 15 years in government, and in that time, the Liberals ballooned class sizes, racked up $15.8 billion in backlogged school repairs, and closed 600 schools. People in this great province deserve a government that prioritizes education, health care and the things everyday people count on. A premier that listens to families, and gives young people hope. I believe it’s time for Andrea Horwath and the NDP to form a government in Ontario — finally, a government with a plan that puts people first."

Bischoff will challenge Conservative incumbent MPP Will Bouma for the Brantford-Brant seat when the election is held next year. 

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