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Former Woodstonian Wins Writing Contest

Courtesy: Leah Mol social media

Leah Mol has won $6000 and a 10 day writing residency in Banff after getting her short story chosen in the CBC Short Story Contest.

WOODSTOCK - Lipstick Day, is a short story about a teens sexual behaviour and peer pressure and has won it's writer, Leah Mol the CBC Short Story Contest. Though she had a good feeling, Mol says she was still shocked when she won.

"I really loved the judges, so I thought that I might have some kind of a chance." Said Mol, "Even though I had entered thinking there might be a chance, I was so incredibly surprised I didn't really believe it at all."

The grand prize for the contest was $6000 and a 10 day writing residency in Banff. It is the writing residency that has her the most excited.

She said "The Banff Centre is probably the best part of it. I'm really excited to go to Banff and just have sort of an excuse to just write for 10 days."

This year there was more than 2,200 submissions in the contest. Mol was a former Woodstock resident for 18 years before moving to Toronto to pursue a publishing career

You can read her short story, Lipstick Day here

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