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Forty-Nine New Cases Confirmed by Southwestern Public Health Sunday

We currently have 225 ongoing cases of COVID-19 in Oxford County.

OXFORD COUNTY - The number of COVID-19 cases continues to rise in Oxford County and beyond.

Southwestern Public Health reported 49 new cases yesterday bringing it's total number of ongoing cases to 370. Oxford County accounts for 225 of those cases and you can find the complete break down below;

Tillsonburg - 86

Woodstock - 45

Norwich Township - 38

East Zorra-Tavistock - 17

Ingersoll - 17

South-West Oxford - 11

Zorra Township - 10

Blandford Blenheim - 1

The Health Unit also reported two new deaths at Maple Manor in Tillsonburg yesterday. They were both women; one was 80-years-old and the other was 96.

The nursing home has now reported 132 cases of the virus and 16 deaths.

You can Southwestern Public Health's latest COVID-19 numbers online here.

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