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Free Pizza on Christmas

A local resident is teaming up with the Pizza Pizza in Woodstock to give away free pizza's on Christmas. 

WOODSTOCK - A local resident is teaming up with the Pizza Pizza in Woodstock to give away free pizza's on Christmas. 

Naseeb Singh says they will be giving away the free food on December 25th from noon to 5 pm. 

"This is my way to give gift to, not only one person but as many people as I can for Christmas, even though I'm not Christian, every religion gives the same message and I am the kind of person who respects everyone's religion, so this is my way of celebrating Christmas." 

People can walk in and place their orders for a free pizza. It is a walk in special only, you cannot get this deal on delivery. Singh says they have enough to give away at least 50 pizza's. 

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