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Funny Money

Suspects try to use fake $100 in City's east end

Local businesses are being warned that funny money is making it's rounds in Woodstock. 

City police say suspects tried to purchase small items in the east end of Woodstock yesterday afternoon with counterfeit $100 bills. 

Four bills were passed at local establishments and a number of bills that appeared to be counterfeit were not accepted.  

The suspects would then leave the business.  No word on any charges. 

All five denominations of paper bills have the same features:

·         Metallic Stripe – tilt the bill back and forth. The numbers and maple leaves change colour.

·         Raised Ink – feel for thicker ink on large number and works

·         Dashes – hold bill up to light, look through it, dashes become a solid line

·         Ghost image – hold bill to light a small ghost like image of portrait appears

·         Puzzle number – hold to light, irregular marks form a complete number

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