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Gearing up For The Big Brothers Big Sisters Big Amazing Race

The Woodstock Museum is teaming up with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oxford to put on the Big Amazing Race next month, featuring different activities, ranging in all levels of difficulty and it is open to all ages.

WOODSTOCK - Woodstock's Big Amazing Race is coming up in July.

Big Brothers Big Sisters in Oxford County is partnering with the Woodstock Museum to put on the race.

Resource Development Manager Liz Wismer-Van Meer says people will race around the Friendly City, participating in different challenges.

"We have teamed up, Big Brothers Big Sisters Oxford County, teamed up with Woodstock Museum and we're putting together Woodstock's Big Amazing Race which is going to be a race around the Friendly City. We are staying pretty much within the downtown core with a few ventures just outside, but the teams will be expected to race on foot. There is a couple of options that will pop up along the way that our teams will find out about but we've worked with some local businesses downtown, some other organizations to come up with some challenges throughout the Friendly City and some of it has to do with the history of our city."

Curator Karen Houston says not everyone is aware of how much history there is in the city. 

She says she couldn't reveal what the challenges will be, however, she gave an example of what participants can expect.

"So the whole idea is there is a lot of history in the downtown core, in Woodstock, and a lot of goes unseen and people don't even know it's there. So I can't give any clues away as to what you're going to be doing in your different challenges, but for instance there's a bell that is sitting beside City Hall and it actually doesn't tell you where it's from or what it is. It's right on the ground, so in the past we've had challenges where people have to figure out where did it come from and then you have to go there and things of that nature, and so you have to look around and see what there is that tells you these kinds of things and figure it out from there."

The race will also feature teams of four people and the first three teams to complete the challenges will be the winners. 

There will be eight to ten challenges, testing the participants physically, mentally and creatively. The race will feature different activities, ranging in all levels of difficulty and it is open to all ages. 

Van Meer says at least one team must have one member who is at least 18 years of age or older.

Registration fee costs $100.00 per team and you can either register online or call BBBS in Oxford County at 519-537-6404 or the Woodstock Museum at 519-537-8411. Registrations and fees are due by July 11th before 5:00pm and they can be paid inside the BBBS office in Woodstock.

Teams have the option of either paying the fee or fundraising to collect the money in pledges; for a pledge form, you may contact Van Meer at 519-537-6404.

Woodstock's Big Amazing Race will be at the Museum Square on July 20th and it starts at 1:00pm. 


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