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Giving Back To Woodstock

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The Community Free Table is making this Christmas a little more special for those less fortunate in the community.

WOODSTOCK - The Community Free Table is playing a big role in helping those less fortunate in Woodstock.

The Community Table has been set up in the Friendly City's Museum Square since mid September. Whether it's giving the homeless a drink, some food or even the love they deserve. Founder Chris Eby says there's always been a need to help the community.

"The need has been there since i moved to Woodstock six years ago, the need has been there for a long time. There used to be bagged lunches served to some of these people, but unfortunately the people that I see never got the bagged lunches, either. And most of these people won't go to the Adelaide Soup Bowl or to Bullwinkle's because they feel very inadequate, some of them haven't showered or anything for a while, and they just feel not loved and worthless basically."

Eby adds the community can donate a variety of items.

"Cash donations are great, gift cards from stores are great. The biggest thing is just to get some mitts, gloves, scarfs and things like that. Things that the homeless people can actually tangibly use."

The Community Free Table will be open this Saturday to accept donations, and on December 27th and 29th as well. 

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