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Giving Back With Kindness Cuts

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People staying at The Inn are receiving free haircuts once a month, on behalf of one local woman's act of kindness.

WOODSTOCK - One Woodstock woman is giving back to the community by cutting people's hair for free once a month.

Owner of the Styling Studio, Sally Bennett has partnered with Operation Sharing to cut hair at The Inn.

Bennett says the people really appreciate her service. 

"It just makes them feel good, it does. And I know they appreciate it because we always shake hands, we always introduce ourselves and we talk to them and it makes them feel good, and they always say thank you which is nice. So you know they appreciate it."

The Inn is at or near capacity every night and they average about 15 people. 

Bennett says she approached Operation Sharing about the idea in March. She says she simply just wants to help those less fortunate.

"We all have a story and you know, nobody is above anybody else. We all need to be helping our neighbours out. And it's something that I've always done, maybe not with hair, but I've always helped out wherever I can. And I just think Woodstock needs to do this a little more."

Bennett has been cutting hair for 35 years. Moving forward, she says she'll continue cutting hair at The Inn for as long as she can.

She cuts hair at The Inn from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. on the first Tuesday of every month.

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