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Going Green By Traveling Clean

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This Wednesday, families and students are being encouraged to go green and travel clean. It is Winter Walk Day and Southwestern Public Health is asking for parents and kids to walk to school.

OXFORD COUNTY - It's Winter Walk Day this week in the region.

Southwestern Public Health is celebrating by encouraging families and students to walk to school on Wednesday.

Public Health Nurse Pamela Ewart says a part of it is to experience the benefit of walking to school using active school travel.

"So, really, it provides them with that opportunity to connect with other families and students as they are walking to school, as well as they get in to a little bit of more physical activity for the day so they arrive at school refreshed and ready to learn."

She adds it also decreases the amount of cars around the school which improves the quality of the air.

She says people are not only encouraged to walk to school, but they can take the bus as well.

Ewart says riding a bike or a scooter are other ways to improve the air quality in and around the school.

"We do know that carbon dioxide, it's one of the gases that causes the greenhouse effect, so that's causing global warming. So what we're really encouraging parents to do and families to do is when they come to school, to help reduce that greenhouse effect and the car emissions, to walk to school, as well as take the bus. If they're to take the bus or even park a block away, or again, idle free by turning off their engines if they parking at school and dropping off or picking up their children."

She adds parents can show how they're being a climate change champion by sharing their photos on the SWPH's social media. They can share any of their pictures on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

You can also learn more about climate change and active school travel here. 

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