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Grain Extrication Tool Making Rescues Safer/Easier

Local farmers who become trapped in grain elevators now have a greater chance of escaping alive. The Norwich Fire Department received a one thousand dollar grain extrication tool from donors last week. Director of Fire and Protection Services Bob Parsons says this will increase safety for both the trapped person and emergency personnel. "It's portable, it has walls and it can easily be put together and then the idea is we take the grain entrapment tool and we put it overtop of where someone is trapped in the grain bin and remove the silage from there to allow the person to be freed." Parsons says a grain rescue is extremely dangerous. "The corn or the silage can sometimes collapse, it's almost like being in quick sand sometimes so if anyone became trapped before, it's quite a long time in getting them freed and getting the silage away from the victim and often it's almost impossible." Parsons says local firefighters will be working on their confined space and elevated height training in preparation for a time they may be called out to use the tool.

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