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Great Turn Out for Chili Cook Off

The Norwich Optimist Club had a great turnout for their annual Chili Cook Off this year.

NORWICH - The Norwich Optimist Chili Cook Off was a huge success this year raising nearly $6,000 for several local organizations. 

Chair of the event Kelly Murphy says it was a hard choice for the judges this year with 18 different vendors. 

"Bone In Catering won the People's Choice award and the Judges award for the best chili. Second place for the People's Choice was the Otterville Swim Team, the Otters and third place was Mama Vie's." 

The Norwich Minor Soccer Club won for the most unique ingredient with Dr. Pepper and the Hot Canadians Eh won for best table. Murphy says they wanted to bring in a lot of different vendors from the community. 

"We wanted to bring in different groups and organizations that our child focused. We had a lot of sports clubs and other clubs and it is a good chance for them to promote their clubs as well. It wasn't really that hard to find different charities and sports clubs to participate." 

Murphy adds all of the money raised at the cook off will stay in the community. 

"All of the money will go to great organizations around the community, Kids Sport, The Upper Deck, different sports clubs, so we are very happy that they all participated and everybody had a great time." 

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