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Halloween Safety In Oxford County

Oxford OPP have some safety tips for everyone this Halloween.

OXFORD COUNTY - Ghosts, ghouls, princesses and superheroes are getting ready to hit the streets in Oxford County.

Oxford OPP have some tips for trick or treaters this Halloween, in order to make sure everyone has a fun and safe time.

They should bring a flashlight, wear bright clothing and add reflectors to their costume so they can be visible in the dark. Youth also need to stay away from home without their lights on.

Constable Stacey Culbert says kids should also wait to eat their candy later.

"We don't want kids to be eating on the go. Sometimes they're not paying attention and we have had kids that have tripped and fell in the streets. Someone of them have actually hurt themselves pretty bad over the years where they have had to go and seek some medical attention."

Parents also need to go through all of their kid's candy afterwards, before they let them dig in. They should also set a route and a curfew for their kids if they are planning on going out with their friends.

If you are planning on staying home to hand out candy, make sure you have a clear path for the kids and lock up any pets who might get spooked.

Culbert says drivers will also need to be on red alert this Tuesday.

"Drive like you are going through a community safety zone or one that's in front of the schools. Extra care and due attention needs to be paid; a child at any time could dart out in front of you. Most importantly we want everyone to have fun but to stay safe as well."

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