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Heat Warning Issued for Oxford County

Environment Canada says we could see daytime highs in the high 20s to low 30s, but it will feel closer to the high 30s to low 40s with the humidity.

OXFORD - It's going to be hot and humid over the next few days.

Environment Canada has issued a heat warning for Oxford County.

The daytime highs are expected to be in the high 20s to low 30s, but it will feel closer to the high 30s to low 40s with the humidity. The minimum temperatures will be in the high teens to low 20s.

The heat wave is expected to last through Thursday, so make sure you drink lots of water and stay in a cool place whenever possible. Seniors, young children, pregnant mothers, people with chronic illnesses, and those working outside face an increased risk.

You should never leave a pet or a person inside a parked vehicle, especially during a heat wave.

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